Fellow instructors...DON'T FORGET:

Everyone starts at the beginning!
You know that instructor you look up to and think you will never be like?
Guess what? They had to start somewhere!
Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others and letting it build discouragement and an “I can’t ” mentality.
Focus on you, find people you admire and learn from them, and have an “I CAN” mentality.
(Remember that you may be seeing someone 5, 10, 30+ years into their journey from their beginning!)
I’ve worked with instructors that were hesitant to do mentoring, start their supervised training hours, seek self development to work towards higher education…..or have even been open enough to verbalize they were afraid to teach in front of me or other experienced instructors.
But you know what?
I’ve been there at the beginning and feeling like I’ll never be like those I look up too.
And guess what….those you and I look up to have also been there!
We have all had…
🐴Our first lesson that we taught….
🐴Our first student that fell off….
🐴Our first mistake (that seemed so obvious) in hindsight …
🐴 Our first “I dont know if I’m ready” feeling
🐴 Our first critique of our teaching or riding skills (knew which is often uncomfortable but often results in incredible growth)
We have been there! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Good instructors don’t just wake up and magically have all the knowledge and skills.
It takes practice….and it takes making mistakes and willing to have an openness to learn from them through self evaluation.
Every great instructor had to start from the beginning!
How far you progress is up to you and your determination….but remember that you have to start somewhere 🙂


For those of you that mentor other instructors…remember this quote.
Have high expectations for those you mentor but have grace in your guidance as well.
Every instructor has to start somewhere.
Often those we mentor will encounter a lot of their ‘firsts’ as instructors with us…Give grace during those “firsts”. Be a safe place to learn and grow.
Mentors- use firsts (often mistakes) as teachable moments that are filled with encouragement and model a mindset of reflection, critical thinking, and humbleness.
Saebra Pipoly
Hoof Falls & Footfalls Owner/Founder

** I personally chose to use the term Adaptive Riding vs. Therapeutic Riding and avoid ‘horse therapy’ at all costs. Why? CLICK HEREThe thoughts shared in the  post above apply to not only Adaptive riding but also to other mounted equine activities and therapies offered at an EAS (Equine Assisted Services) Program/Center/Barn. (Note: EAS is formerly EAAT- Equine Assisted Activity and Therapy).

Want to define, refine, and grow your Adaptive Riding Instructor Training/Mentoring Program?

Check out this online course that you can work though at your own speed! CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW to learn more!

Are you just starting your journey and seeking certification as an adaptive/therapeutic riding instructor?

During this course you will: 

Understand the CTRI Application and Certification Process -> Make YOUR plan to certification  -> Learn the HOWs of  the application, video, and test -> Leave with  confidence to succeed!

CLICK ON IMAGE to learn more!

Want to grow as an Adaptive/Therapeutic Riding Instructor?

Check out The Intuitive Instructor Club!

No matter how far you are from your “beginning” The IIC can help YOU in your instructor journey!

Our Mission: To unite instructors from around the globe while facilitating the development and refinement of their Instructor Intuition.

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